- 电影
女主角一个美若天仙的女子,竟因自己是个处女,而对男友感到厌烦──动不动就想上床的男人──她眼里只有一种想法:「滚开!」一场男女对决,於焉展开。 一对男女朋友在交往多年却不曾发生过亲密关係,男友不解?女友更有一堆难以解开的结 等待有缘人来助她一臂之力,却不是要跟男人上床。问题来了,一个处女,世间少有,就在男友把持不住的情况下,他泄露了对女友的不满,透过他的工作职权:记者,昭告天下。你能想像这会产生多严重的后果吗?当然是分啦,怎分?光是为了钱的问题,男女间就只是敌人。
- 综艺
Barbara (Larissa Manoela) and Talia (Thati Lopes) decide to exchange in the US. They have no idea of the obstacles and cultural shock. Barbara who always dreamed of visiting NY discovers they'll be living in the Town of Woodstock, NY. Two hours north of New York City. Accustomed to the comforts of her mother's home. Barbara now has to get accustomed to doing household chores an...
- 动漫
Hank Hill is an old fashioned, hardworking, beer drinking man who is trying to live in a modern Texas world. His wife is opinionated, his son is a disappointment, his friends are losers, and his Father is oppressive. But through it all, Hank keeps a level head, a strong sense of morality, and by doing so keeps himself "King of the Hill." Written by Mike Kramer